Wednesday, February7

  • Behind the wall, see a mass of orange and grey pidgeons congregating round a pile of old bread somebody threw in the middle of the parking lot

  • A line snakes from the first two secretaries'  desks at the Kuppat Holim. The third secretary--a teenager with straight brown hair-- is staring at her phone. Finally, the second secretary--a tall blond woman in her late forties--snaps, they are taking on the third desk too. And then adds, this ought to be like a school, and we confiscate the phones as workers come in. 
  • The light reflected in the mirror, and the endless lattice pattern of the canvas frames. 

  • A woman sits on the stone fence, staring off at nothing. The marron of her skirt perfectly matches the color of the scooter seat beside her.

  • The woman sitting in a cafe, wit a strolled on either side, gulping hungrily.  Her son has pale peroxide gold hair, and a strange rash all over his face. His hands are mittened--I guess to prevent him from scratching.
