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- My bus driver this morning was a woman with a long maneof cury hair highlighted in orange. Seems a sterotype, but she was much nicer than the usual driver, saying goodbye to the school girls who got off, giving an time estimate for when she'd reach a stop, and saying, "Running late too." The bus was ten minutes late
- The beautiful intricacy of the multi-directional braids criscrossing the head of the woman in front of me. The contrast between their tight dicipline, and the wavy mane of the woman sitting across her.
- The battered fallen leaves by the edge of the curb. Once you you see them, they are everywhere, beneath all the be growth in the planters.
- The perfect dome of Y.'s head tucks pagainst the edge of my jaw. From the corner of my eye, I see the transculucent skin where the back of her ear meets her skull.
- As she falls asleep, she gets warmer and denser against me.
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