Wednesady, November 22

  • The woman with the Raggedy-Ann dyed red hair and black faux leather jacket leaning against the misted up window, hand-rolled cigarette in her hand. As she got off the bus, she took out a bright green plastic lighter, ready to light the second her foot was out the door.
  • The raindrops captured in the light decorations spanning the street gleamed in the sudden break of light like a diamond chandleir.

  • The graffitied wall is a mix of all the colors around it: the grey of the sky and the orangy-ochre of the stones meeting in the different strata of peeling plaster
  • The elderly couple walking down the rainy street, her arm entwined with his elbow, a lit pipe dangling from his mouth, billowing smoke.
  • Against the grey of the sky, the rooftops and autumn trees are a composition in shades of orange.: drak brown burnt sienna leaves in front; gleamig tarracota tiles, and in back, hints of yellow and gold.

And again, because I can't resist:
  • The old woman waiting for the bus in deep magenta velvet shoe, green slacks,s and a black velvet coat embriodered in flowers. On her head, an incongruous knitted  black and white beenie, with danglingh straps and a small pompom
