Monday. February 12

  • Crowded morning bus stop, everybody looking hopelessly down the street, in the direction that the bus should be but isn't coming--all except one little girl sitting on the bench, who is watching the other people.
  • a bunch of flowers hanging from the bush. Why do some turn to whispy dandelion-like seed-sails, while others simply whither and die?

  • A dark purple shaped, like a withered Bird of Paradise, beside the banana tree. Then I realize it probably is part of the banana tree--a young banana pod? Yellow wrapped in its complementary violet. 

  • The sun breaks through the grey of the day, and all the way on the top of the building, a mass of brightly colored laundry--a blue sheet echoing the deep cobalt of the sky, overlayed with hot pink.

  • The light breaking through the gauze curtains, lighting them gold. 
